

Capt Shahnawaz

Best real estate investment Plots vs Luxury Apartments a comparision

Best real estate investment Plots vs Luxury Apartments One of the biggest questions you may be asking yourself in 2020 is which is the best real estate investment moving forward. Although commercial investments are the most fruitful in my opinion if done properly but not everyone has the experience or kind of investment required. In addition if your portfolio is less than a 100

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Capt Shahnawaz

DHA Commercial Connotations in 2020

DHA Commercial Connotations in 2020 DHA Commercial Connotations in 2020 will reflect upon what the author believes would be trends in 2020, guiding potential investors to make an informed decision. This article would reflect on the brief history and the potential gains in 2020. This would include guidance not only from an investment point of view but also for people looking to stable rental

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Capt Shahnawaz

Pakistan Real Estate Forecast 2020

Pakistan Real Estate Forecast 2020 Our yearly forecast is one of the most awaited posts every year as it helps hundreds and thousands of people to plan for there next big investment.The year 2020 is upon us and we all want to know what may be expected in the real estate sector in the coming year but before we move on to Pakistan real

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lessons learned during real estate downtrend
Capt Shahnawaz

Lessons learned during real estate downtrend

Lessons learned during real estate downtrend Real estate in Pakistan took a steep downtrend after July of 2016 (General perception). Although personally I disagree and will not really call it a downtrend rather a correction specifically in areas where we were going through an artificial boom. Highly over rated properties slumped while others soared high. Today we will be discussing the three most important

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Capt Shahnawaz

Real estate vs banks who will win?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Real estate vs banks Real estate vs banks is the million dollar question everyone is asking now a days in Pakistan . Since last year the banks interest rate has increased upto 12 to 13 % where as real estate growth in most cases is rather slow. So is it not wise to keep your money in the bank rather than investing it

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Capt Shahnawaz

1 crore challenge multiplying your investment

1 crore challenge multiplying your investment One of the biggest challenge in multiplying your investment in real estate is the market noise. Every other project claim to make millions for you, yet there are a very few investors who make that kind of money. Although as a thumb rule being a safe asset if you are investing in real estate you will grow your

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