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Invest Real Estate 2016

Posted by Capt Shahnawaz on January 28, 2016

Is 2016 time to invest in Real Estate?

Pakistan’s property market is rapidly growing and the recent regional developments vis-a-vis local political stability and hopes of peace in Afghanistan. In addition, we have the development of Gawadar and CPEC which will prove to be a catalyst for property in Pakistan in years to come. So this is the right time to ask yourself why we should I invest in real estate?

This property boom is nothing strange but just the periodic cycle in any sort of investment. We strongly believe that the upward trend will continue through 2016 with a stable increase of property during this period. It is noteworthy to mention that we do not expect to see any major lightening fast price hikes in 2016 , however a stronger more stable property growth is all ready to set in.

property cycle can be seen as a logical sequence of recurrent events reflected in demographic, economic and emotional factors that affect supply and demand for property,. subsequently influencing the property market. DHA Lahore Property Investment cycle is very similar to what has been happening in real estate sectors for centuries.

The first recorded pioneer of studying property cycles was Homer Hayat (1895–1984) in ‘100 Years of Real Estate Values in Chicago’ (1933). It is widely recognized that property (along with other forms of investment) follows a predictable cycle. The property cycle has three recognized recurring phases of boom, slump, and recovery. The cycle follows a consistent pattern which can be accurately assessed by following the trends of a collective basket of Key Driver (as outlined below).

Capt (RETD) Shahnawaz Yaqub Bhatti

Contact : 92-3331717170

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